Rio Marié Season 2021 Fishing Report Week 12: Nov 21 to 28

We had mostly overcast days with constant raining.

Temperatures between:
24 and 42°C

River Conditions:
The Marié River was rising, but the Turi River started to slowly drop by the end of the week.

Fishing Conditions:
We started the week at the middle section of the Marié, and then went up the Turi river. At first, the water was high and fishing was really slow. However, in the last two days of the week, the water in the Turi started to drop slowly, and fishing improved.

Fishing Stats:
Number of Anglers: 12 

Butterflies Caught: 41

Temensis Caught: 17

Temensis Over 10lbs: 1

Temensis Over 15lbs: 4

Temensis Over 20lbs: 0

Highlight of the Week:
Our anglers were not disappointed by high water levels, a consequence of weather that might get some less determined anglers down. They worked hard, casting all day long during the entire week, persisting in poor conditions! For those who decided to test their luck against the big catfish that inhabit our waters, they were rewarded with some really nice hookups.

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